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Thoughtful Thursdays: Sharing Your Feelings

I know that today is Valentine’s day, so this challenge might not be too hard for some of you. For this week’s Thoughtful Thursday, the challenge is to genuinely tell five of your friends, family, or loved ones how much they truly mean to you.

This week’s challenge may present a challenge in itself for you to find a way to accurately express your feelings verbally.

Sometimes it doesn’t take a long-winded explanation or dissertation to get your point across either. You may be able to sum up your feelings in just a few short words and hopefully, the person you’re talking to will get the point.

This Thoughtful Thursday is also a lesson for you to learn how to use your words. This Thoughtful Thursday is not an action taking challenge where you show how much you care or provide gifts or text to showcase your appreciation. This is a challenge to verbally express your admiration for your friends, family, or loved one.

As with prior challenges, it is not necessary for the receiving end of your thanks to return the favor although they most like will. The main goals are to be able to share a moment in time with someone you care about with intense feelings as well as openly express your feelings to someone else without fear of how the expression will be perceived. Just make sure your friend or family member knows how much you care about them and hopefully brighten their day.

The long-term goal is to continuously challenge yourself to be open and honest about your feelings and not harbor the emotions until they reach a boiling point that is hard to recover from. Open your mouth and speak. Silence can also be a virtue on the path to peace but openly connecting with those around you can also counter the silence.

If you’d like, please share your experience below so that you can brighten another reader’s heart. If it didn’t go how you planned, please share that as well as you are still a success for at least trying.

If you’ve missed previous Thoughtful Thursdays, you can find more challenges here. They don’t have to be done on Thursdays. Thoughtful Thursdays are more geared for you to challenge yourself daily to become the best version of you that you can be in this lifetime. So you can do the challenges anytime and almost anywhere.


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